OLNY Presents: Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti

Date(s) - May 25, 2021
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm


Open Love NY is excited to present author and poly activist Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti as a guest speaker for our Tuesday, May 25th virtual event.

It’s so common for dating profiles to only list what the seeker is looking for, but what does the seeker have to offer? In this talk, Gloria will share an interesting phenomenon that ONLY occurs when someone is polyamorous and partnered; NEVER when someone is monogamous and partnered. She also will help attendees answer the question “What do I bring to a relationship?” (Thank you, Kevin Patterson.)

Tuesday, May 25 – 7:30 to 9:30 pm ET
Suggested donation $5 to $10 gratefully accepted via Venmo @Open-LoveNY

Zoom link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83321434327?pwd=TlQvYmpDY0doUXduL0xUMENoMlNtdz09

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Speaker bio
Gloria has been fascinated by relationships and sexuality as long as she can remember, even during her fundamentalist xtian days. She is a workshop presenter and panelist (“Transcending Shame,” “Polyamory 101: From Threesomes to We-Somes,” and “We Do Not Live Single Issue Lives: a workshop/discussion on Intersectionality”, as well as a frequent podcast guest. She is also hard at work on her memoir (expected date: December 2021) entitled, “A Different Drum: A Black, Autistic, Polyamorous, Mentally Ill, Former Fundamentalist Christian/Cult Member and Breast Cancer Survivor WHO JUST WANTS TO FIT IN.” You can find Gloria on Facebook (GloriaJacksonNefertiti), Twitter (@gloriajn), Instagram (@gloriajacksonnefertiti), and her website, “Not Gloria Jean” (http://notgloriajean.net/). Gloria lives in Seattle, WA.