OLNY Presents: Love Distancing with Nolan Lawless

Date(s) - August 25, 2020
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm


Over the past six months, COVID-19 has entirely changed the landscape of interpersonal interactions. From first dates and casual hookups to long-distance partners and quarantine bubbles, the fundamentals of who we connect with and how we connect with them have been unwritten and rewritten, and the effects of these changes impact not only our physical health, but our mental and emotional health as well. Open Love NY is pleased to present relationship coach and counselor Nolan Lawless to guide our discussion as we explore post-COVID relationships and how to build and maintain connections in a socially isolated world.

Tuesday, Aug. 25 – 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm ET

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A $5 to $10 donation is welcomed through Venmo @Open-LoveNY to support future programming

Speaker Bio: Nolan Lawless is a Licensed Professional Counselor, sex educator, public speaker, and polyamory advocate. He is co-founder of Deconstructing Polyamory, through which he has presented to professional and community audiences across the United States and Canada on alternative sexuality and alternative relationship models. Nolan serves as CEU Coordinator for Loving More, a national nonprofit organization for polyamory, and is a member of the APA Division 44 Task Force on Consensual Non-Monogamy. He is the owner of Infinite Heart Coaching, which provides video conference coaching services to clients of diverse gender identities, sexual orientations, and relationship dynamics. Nolan and his wife are cofounders of the first polyamory support and social network in Lawton, where they live with their two very spoiled dogs, Chester and Daisy.

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